Häfele Lifetime Guarantee


When it comes to products, we know that you expect quality, design and function that lasts – these are your priorities, and that makes them ours too. The Häfele Lifetime Guarantee is your reassurance that these products have met our stringent quality standards and been tested rigorously to industry certification. We are so confident in these products that we guarantee they will function as intended with no loss of operating quality, for their guaranteed lifetime period.

 The Häfele Lifetime Guarantee provides you with confidence in the products that you are using, and the solutions that you are selling to your customers.

What is covered by the Häfele Lifetime Guarantee?

The product ranges which will offer a guarantee are listed below, along with the number of years the guarantee is applicable for:



7 years


25 years

Matrix Box

25 years

Metalla Hinges

25 years


25 years


10 years


10 years

Wirework from Häfele

10 years


The Häfele Lifetime Guarantee covers normal use of the products in a domestic environment – for commercial environments our standard 12-month guarantee would apply – please contact our customer service team for more information.



In future, our catalogues will carry a guarantee logo as pictured.  This logo will indicate the name of the product range covered by the guarantee, and how long the guarantee is. Individual products will also carry a guarantee logo indicating the number of years the product is guaranteed for, so it is always easy to identify the length of cover per product.

The Häfele Own Brand brochure provides you with everything you need to know about our manufacturing expertise, our own brand products and the lifetime guarantee that applies to each range. 

Own Brand Brochure


How do I make a claim?

It’s easy to make a claim against our Guarantee.  The holder of the product invoice can simply e-mail hafeleguarantee@hafele.co.uk with details of the invoice, the fault and supporting photography, and our team will handle the query from there. For more information please visit our website or call our Customer Support Team on 0800 171 2909.