Häfele Interior Design Hub

Explore Häfele's Interior Design Hub. With over 40 years' experience, our experts provide insights on interior design ideas, growing trends and best practices. Grounded in our commitment to quality and innovative designs, our interior design hub serves as a valuable resource for those in the interior design industry and individuals passionate about creating stylish and functional spaces. 


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Creating transformable and hidden spaces

Creating transformable and hidden spaces

n an era where every inch of floorspace is precious, and consumers want more value from every inch of their homes, utilising space to its full potential has never been more crucial. In many homes an underrated solution can be creating transformable spaces – whether it’s seamlessly transitioning a kitchen or hiding a desk away at the end of the working day.

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Office Design Trends 2024

Office Design Trends 2024

The traditional office landscape has undergone a profound transformation in the last few years, driven by the rise of hybrid work. This new model, where employees split their time between working in the office and remotely, is reshaping the way we design workspaces.

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Smarter space solutions from Häfele

At Häfele, we understand the increased demands placed on your living environment and especially in the compact home. Our smarter space solutions are designed to provide more life per square metre, creating flexible small living spaces that can change to whatever your customer needs, quickly and without tools.

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Compact Living

As homes are decreasing in size but increasing in multi-functionality, larger-scale ideas are needed for smaller-scale spaces. Through innovative space saving products and smart furniture design services, we’ll help you create more with less.

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Kitchens For Living Report

Earlier this year, Häfele completed a study with over 2,000 homeowners from across the UK to get a true picture of the nation’s kitchens. As part of the research, we delved into localised trends in current kitchen layouts and styles, and critically, regional variations in what consumers want from their space in the future.

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